Interesting Day

I had a very eventful day yesterday. Went out yesterday morning to go to work and saw that I had a flat tire. I knew my dad was home so of course I went to him for help. Once the tire was sorted out and after a few stressful moments worrying I was going to be late for work and knowing that my boss is one of the most horrible people that walks this earth… I made it to work with 5 minutes to spare. I grabbed my purse and my lunch and rushed into to sit at my desk only to notice something horrible in my light coloured pants… blood. Not a nice sight to see soaking through your pants. I ran to the bathroom where I hyperventilated for about 5 minutes before telling my boss I needed to leave with my jacket wrapped around my midsection. I could tell my boss was not please but I could not care less at that point. I called my mom in tears who was at work and told me to call my sister in law who was closer to me and could get to me sooner then my mom could. My sister in law told me to hang up and call 911 ASAP. Now Im really freaking out!  I had never been in an ambulance nor did I ever want to be in one.

Julie called me back after 5 minutes and asked if I called and I just broke down and said I couldn’t and didn’t want to go in by myself. Then she said something that got me. She told me its not about me anymore and that I needed to do it for my baby and that she is on her way and would try to get there before the ambulance but if not that she would meet me at the hospital right away. So I did as I was told and waited for the ambulance. Was I ever happy to see my brother and sister in law round the corner before the paramedics got there. Julie came over to me with a big hug and I of course started to cry, but she calmed me down as I started peppering her with questions all she did was say don’t worry about it we aren’t going to stress right now you just need to be calm. Thank god we have a nurse in this family!  She is the reason I was able to stay calm and she went with me in the ambulance to emerge and sat with me there till my Mom and my Dad made it to the hospital. I well up with tears just thinking about how good she was to me (yes Im super hormonal) and how lucky we are to have her in the family.

Now my mom and dad were there they were by my side by the time I got to my hospital room and were there while the nurse did blood tests. When the doctor arrived and started asking questions about blood my dad bailed from the room which I was completely fine with. The doctor brought in the all too familiar ultrasound machine and warned me not to panic if he cant see anything just because that may happen and everything could still be fine. I asked him that if he did see something I would really like to see. With my mom in the room the lights went off and within about 5 seconds of the cold jelly on my tummy the doctor turned the screen around and showed me what I was hoping to see. He said see the fetus, the arms and legs and most importantly the beating heart. WOW I was instantly in tears of happiness and amazement. He kept it on screen for a while and then we started to see the lil babe start moving in there. It will go down as one of my favorite moments of my entire life… from what could’ve been the worst moment of my life to the absolute best. Both my Mom and I were in tears of complete joy. My doctor said it is normal to be spotty at times but that it was good I got checked (although I wouldn’t have called the amount I saw as spotty lol). Once we told my dad he even welled up with tears and gave me a big hug. My dad is not the crying type so it was a special moment for me.

Im off work today and tomorrow to rest. My boss is not happy but at this point I need to worry about my health both physical and mental. Health is a precious thing and as she ages (which she isn’t a young lady) she may come to understand that. I wouldn’t wish anything health wise on anyone but with an attitude like hers I often wonder if her judgment may catch up to her one day. I would never judge anyone that needed time off, that is not the kind of karma I would send out into the world. People judge too quickly these days without understanding that health issues can happen to anyone old and young. You only get one life and that one needs to be taken seriously. Life is too short to worry about what others think. Tomorrow I still go for my dating scan and will have some pictures to share. Last night I dreamt of my lil olive dancing and cant wait to see it on screen again.

3 thoughts on “Interesting Day

  1. Yes, that was a very scary day we do not want any more of. I was so happy to see little olive dancing around. And also very thankful that Bud n Jules were able to get there so quickly :). Looking forward to this afternoon .


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